Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Taking Ownership

How many times in your life have you made an excuse as to why you can't do something? Or putting the blame on someone or something else? Maybe this is at home, work or school. It's easy to do, I mean we all have things come up or get busy, or maybe don't even want to face the consequences of our decisions.

Honestly, taking ownership of something that you did or didn't do is difficult and nerve racking. But if you want to grow in your personal life and professional life, you have to learn to take ownership. But what is taking ownership? Let's think back to when you were just a child. Maybe when mom or dad wasn't watching you, you knocked a lamp off of the table. What did you do? How did your parents react? I don't want to assume anything, but I can bet your answer to your parents was "I didn't do it", or "it was the cat/dog".  We have all done it. You are there, there is a reaction to what you did, and you go into panic mode or you just don't want to get into trouble, so you blame someone or something else. I get it, who wants to get yelled at or disciplined. But what would have happened if you would have taken ownership of the situation? You will never know. Would you have been yelled at? Maybe, but maybe it would have been a learning experience for you.

How about another example. You are working your day to day job. You work requires you to juggle multiple tasks throughout your day. Things are getting crazy busy, maybe your team is short handed, so the burden has fallen on you and other team members. Now some of your normal job duties are starting to suffer because maybe time management isn't quite an area that you excel at. When you are approached about it, instead of telling your boss that you know that it has been suffering and you will work on it, you just say "well I just don't have time". What would have happened if you had taken ownership? Would you have been written up? Unlikely. Most likely your boss would work with you or make suggestions on how to improve your time management.

But let's take this into your fitness journey. So many people when they are on their journey, starting or have ended it and lost their way do not take ownership when they mess up. Maybe you start, and something comes up just one day. You miss one workout, and don't workout again until you decide to start over. Why did you stop in the first place? I often hear "well something came up". Yeah, something came up on a single day, that didn't stop you from working out the day after or eating healthy. What about the time issue? I have heard this so much, "I don't have time" but you have time for your shows? When you are on a journey, you have to take ownership for everything that happens. You make time, you get back on after a rough day or a day off due to whatever. Let's use me for an example. I went from 336 LBS down to 197 LBS in just 10 months. Things were pretty great. Then I started gaining the weight back and by August 2016 I was back to 326 LBS. Now I wanted to use every excuse in the book, from I was in a relationship for a time, I was comfortable with my life, I needed it for body building and the list goes on. It wasn't until August 2016 that I took ownership of what happened for me to get back where I was. I had gotten lazy, I didn't care as much any more. I wasn't watching my diet. Sure I was meal prepping, but I was over eating and way over snacking. But when I took ownership, I was able to start that ball rolling to change.

When you take ownership, you are empowering yourself to make changes. So think about that next time you are given the option to blame something/someone or to take ownership of the situation.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Time for a Challenge

I have been spending that last 7 weeks workout out with 22 Minute Hard Corps, and have had amazing success thus far. Now I want you to join me in boot camp and start making changes.
October 3rd, 2016 my 22 Minute Hard Corps Challenge starts. All you have to do is head over to the challenge page and purchase the challenge pack. You will get everything you need to complete this challenge.

Each challenge pack comes with the 22 Minute Hard Corps DVD set, workout calendar, Meal guide and bonus Battle Buddy DVD. For a limited time you also receive the meal portion containers to make sure you are getting the exact nutrients that you need, and a PT Sandbag, which holds 20 LBS of sand! Also included in the challenge pack is your choice of Shakeology flavor and a 30 day trial to Beachbody on Demand.
All of this for the price of $140.00.

In just 7 weeks I am down 19 LBS and nearly 20 inches, so come join me and make a change. Plus, when you participate in the Challenge, you have the opportunity to win Cash Prizes. Honestly, who doesn’t like money. So what are you waiting for? Come on and get some!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

How am I losing weight so fast?

The explanation is simple, you find your plan and you stick with it. You stick with the workout schedule, you do compound movements and you still to your diet. You don't under eat and you don't over eat. Always be prepared and don't make excuses as to why you can't eat right or workout. 

Sunday, September 4, 2016

My Journey Starts over, and my return to Beachbody.

I always though after I lost over 200 LBS in just over 2 years that I would never get fat again. I thought with the determination that I had to lose 140 LBS of that in just 10 months that I had the tools to be healthy for the rest of my life. After all, I lost the weight, became a certified personal trainer started training for body building and was always studying.

Well after getting to an all time low, getting into a relationship, getting out of a relationship, leaving a career, starting a new career and trying to date, well, I gained everything back. Well, not everything, but most everything. You see as of just 4 weeks ago, I had returned to being 326 LBS. Yes, that's right, I went from being 197 LBS in 2011 back to 326 LBS in August of 2016. I had everything I needed to stay successful, but it wasn't enough. Along my journey(which I knew would be a lifetime) I completely lost myself. I go lazy and life got crazy. But that is just an excuse. Honestly, I just stopped caring. I never completely used my certification that I worked so hard to get. I couldn't land a job in a gym, and finally took another desk job. I reverted back to old habits of eating out for breakfast everyday, eating garbage for lunch every day, and pigging out for dinner. Pizza and just two slices? Are you kidding, lets just eat a whole large by myself.

Sadly, I saw what was happening to me, but I didn't do anything to stop it. I tired, well kind of tried. I would go to the gym still, but once a week and try to eat healthy, but it wasn't enough. Who was I fooling, I knew I wasn't doing enough to fix the problem. I knew that I needed to make a change and get back to being accountable for myself and get support.

So that brings to the next bit. I decided to return to Beachbody. For anyone who followed my first journey, they know that nearly my entire first transformation was at the hands of Beachbody products and me being a Beachbody Coach. Around 2013 I decided to drop Beachbody coaching though, I could do it on my own and my own way. But that's the thing, since I didn't have a job in the fitness industry besides writing a few plans out for people, I wasn't accountable for what I looked like and my diet. So in August 2016 I decided to get back into Beachbody. Sure I still had all my old workouts like Insanity, P90X, RevAbs, and so one, but I didn't have shakeology, I didn't have support and when you are selling or promoting a product, you are going to use it to be accountable and show people that it works. So I signed back up under my old coach, I trust her, she has been very supportive too during everything.

Now just 4 weeks in, I am down 14 LBS, and over 18 inches all around. It's hard work. I am working out everyday, I am drinking my Shakeology every day, I'm meal prepping every week(in fact that is today) But I have support. I have an awesome coach that isn't pushing me to make sales on product. I have people watching my new journey and following my progress, I am already receiving messages that I have inspired people to start changing now. I never thought I would go back to Beachbody, but here I am and it feels great.

So if you want to join me, if you want to change and become healthier, Send me a message or email me at You can also visit and contact me via the site or place an order today.

I'm going to start posting more, it's been nearly two years since my last post, so here is to new beginnings and a new journey.