Monday, November 11, 2024

Getting Back on the Saddle

Wow, it has been a long time. The last time I updated here was in 2018, I had just started to workout with DDPY and I was pumped. But of course I didn't stick with it. That has been my problem since gaining all my weight back and then some. 

Since that last post a lot has happened and changed in the world and with my personal life. We had Covid-19, I got married, I got a house, built a home gym, gained a crap-ton of weight, was diagnosed with Sleep Apnea, Had eye surgery and found out I have fatty liver. When I started dating my wife I was 332 LBS, and by the end of 2023 I had hit 402 LBS. We tried dieting before we got married, and I was pretty successful with carnivore, then keto, but our friend fell off quickly, then my wife fell off, and I couldn't continue without the support. My wife also likes to show that she loves me by buying me snacks and food that I love. 

Over the last few years I have also realized that I am a binge eater. I guess I have always known that, but never really put two and two together. So I had to rehaul everything with food. Over the last year I have been mostly watching my portions, making sure when we go out to eat that I bring at least half of my food home. I stop eating now before I am full, which has helped out a ton with how I feel in the evenings.

Last year when I finally decided that I have to do  something to change, I was at 386 LBS. That was October 28, 2023. Since then I have been losing weight, just not as quickly as I had hoped. I hit my lowest last week at 338.6 LBS, but have since gained 3 LBS back. But where the old me would see that as a complete fail and go back to binge eating and forgetting about my health, the new me see's this as just a minor set back and just refocuses on my diet and exercise. Oh yeah, I am working out again. I have a home gym that isn't great, but it helps me get the job done. I would love to be able to upgrade it and have a full rack in there, a nice treadmill and stepmill, but right now those are not options due to budget. I am working out about 3 - 5 days a week for 30 - 60 minutes and I have been feeling great. 

I look forward to the next year to see where I go from here. I am hoping by my birthday in June that I am finally below 300 LBS for the first time in 10 years. I hope you will follow my journey and provide support in the way of cheering me on.