Saturday, June 21, 2014

Energy Drinks Killing Teens? Not really.

It's something that we here about from time to time. A teenager/young adult dies from cardiac arrest and the family or doctors want to blame energy drinks. Let's face it, energy drinks are the easy way out. But how much caffeine is really in these energy drinks that are supposedly killing our youth?

You would actually be surprised to find out that most of these energy drinks have less caffeine that a cup of coffee, but does coffee get blamed? Of course not, because why would we blame something as wholesome as Folders or Starbucks. Sure, we can blame Starbucks for making us fat, but not cardiac arrest.

The main energy drink that is called into question today is Red Bull. Why is it being called into question you ask? Well by now, you may have heard about a 16 year old girl that recently passed away in Mexico while away with friends. Well they have ruled her death due to cardiac arrest and the culprit is those darn energy drinks. But Red Bull only has 80 mg's of caffeine per serving. Coffee on the other hand has 85 mg's of caffeine per cup. Now, lets look at this. Let's say she had several cans through out the day, could this still contribute? Well, if she had 20 cans, then sure. But let's look at some facts, caffeine is a natural vitamin. Yes, it occurs in nature. Caffeine is also a diuretic, which means that it can dehydrate you.

So lets go back to this girl. It's close to summer, she's on the beach, she's in Mexico. Now it is probably also very warm, she has probably, even though she is only 16, had some alcohol, and hasn't really been hydrating with water. Now we are leading to an actual cause. But of course the media wants to blame energy drinks, there have been claims that I have seen that she only had four Red Bulls, some state more. Now I want you to think about this. Most athletes/fitness minded people drink Pre-workout supplements. These supplements on average contain 250 mg's of caffeine. Most people take 2 scoops of these supplements, but we keep ourselves hydrated, and in all honesty, if we drop dead because we took the supplement which is way more caffeinated than a Red Bull, we would know it was our fault. You know what you are putting in your body. If you aren't handling it responsible, that's on you.

Oh, and if you have read the posts from people that sell Verve from Vemma, Verve also has 80 mg's of caffeine, it's no different than Red Bull, they are just using this as an opportunity to push their product.

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