Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Working out with DDP......Yoga

It was a few years ago that I picked up DDPYoga for the very first time. Why wouldn't I? Diamond Dallas Page was always one of my favorite professional wrestlers. He was the one that re-ignited my passion to want to be a professional wrestler. So when I heard he had a Yoga program, I had to jump on it! But I wasn't quite ready for it.

At the time my weight was already nearly all the way back from poor eating choices and just not caring. I was trying to date, and really just gave up on my health. I was also used to doing more body building style workouts. So when I did DDPYoga for the first time, I thought it was OK, but my back didn't really love it. Then the next workout was the same workout, and I wanted more variety. I did a total of two sessions with DDPY before dropping it out of my routine. I didn't give it a fair shake.

Flash forward to just a couple of weeks ago, and I decided to take the plunge and sign up for DDP Yoga Now! The online steaming version of DDP Yoga. Sure, it's the same workouts I already have, but come on, how many of us actually use DVD players any more? So I signed up and decided to give DDP another shot. Today I finished my 6th workout with DDP Yoga and I am feeling really good. I know what you are thinking, "Corey, you said you have been doing it for two weeks but have only done 6 sessions" true, but DDP Yoga isn't a 6 day a week program, it starts you off at just 3 days a week. I did skip ahead and do an extra workout, but I am doing the program as it is laid out right now.

Before I didn't give DDP Yoga a fair shake, but now I am following through. With my low back disorder, I have to be selective on what I do when I workout. The days of being able to do heavy squats and deadlifts are far behind me. But DDPY gives me the chance to get a good workout in, and get a good resistance workout in. The intensity is different than what I usually like, but it also keeps me safe. At the end of every workout, I am dripping sweat and feel that I have actually done something. I am working with the intermediate program which is 13 weeks long and will get progressively more difficult, and I cannot wait to see the full results. My back is already feeling better and different.

So stay tuned, something awesome is coming.

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