Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Don't fall victim to the cleanse

Over the years there have been many fad diets. The producers of these fads spend their time trying to convince you that this is the best way to kick start your weight loss. The funny thing, is some of these people have also stated in the past that there is no need to do a cleanse/reset. They were right to begin with!

Here is the problem. Right now there are 3 really popular cleanses/resets. Jillian Michaels detox and Cleanse, Bob Harpers Smart 7 day Cleanse and Beachbody's Ultimate Reset. While the first two are the cheapest alternative, they brand themselves are what have people convinced that these are viable things that need to be done!

Lets start with the first two on the list, shall we. Jillian Michaels and Bob Harper, the worlds toughest trainers. These two are responsible to zapping the fat off of millions across the globe. Both have great at home workouts, both were and one still is part of the most popular weight loss show in America, and both talk a good game. Lets face it, Jillian at this point will do anything for a buck. If you watch her on old episodes of Biggest Looser or even as recent as The Doctors, she talks about nutrition and "gags" at the thought of fast food and soda. Yet this woman endorses an at home Soda making machine where you buy syrup and make your own cola! What? Yeah, so anything she has to say is null and void!

How about Bob? He is the more respectable of the two trainers. Bob has several books out and several DVD's. He knows his stuff. He sells his DVD's for $5 a piece on his site and happens to have the best kettlebells on the market (that's just my opinion). All around, I think Bob is a pretty decent guy. I honestly can't find any fault with him, other than he pimps a cleanse!

Oh, but I haven't forgotten the one most people will be shocked I'm posting about here. That's right, it's Beachbody's Ultimate Reset. The most expensive of the three coming in at a whopping $229.95. This is a 21 day reset/cleanse that promises lower cholesterol and the usual detoxify your system lines. Nothing like 21 days at $229.95 to make you homeless right?

Here is the point though. Our bodies are designed to cleanse and reset themselves. This is something our bodies would do often if we treated them right. Do you want a real reset/cleanse? Try this. Eat clean for 21 days. Yep, it's that simple. Eat natural clean foods, no processed garbage. I'm talking Veggies, Fruits, high protein meat, lots of water and you can have some whole grains. In the first week, you will start noticing a huge change, you will probably even lose a few pounds. Within the 21 days, you will find yourself to be feeling better, being more regular and craving less crap. All this is attainable without spending outside of your regular budget. There is no scam to the proven method that I am offering you. No pyramid, no celebrity trainers, just you, natural clean food and your health of the future.

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