Monday, January 16, 2012

Working harder, getting stronger

It's week 3 of P90X2 already and I am noticing a lot of changes. Of course week 1 was rough, it was a new workout, I had done very few of the moves before and it was also a bit intimidating. Week 2 I found myself going longer into the workouts, but still not getting quite the burn I was hoping for. Though I did notice many great improvements on each workout. But today I started week 3, and let me tell you, I am noticing that I am able to push much much harder. Today I got the burn I have been looking for. I actually pushed myself so hard in X2 Core today, that for the first time in a long time, I felt my abs cramp up on me. It's such a good feeling.

Also being in week 3, I know that I only have 2 weeks before my recovery week, then onto phase 2 of the program. Again, I am a bit intimidated. Phase 2 is Strength, and that is something I have always been lacking in. My hope is that by week 2 of phase 2 I will be able to get a good burn going. Luckily I will have 2 workouts carry over into my strength phase and that is Plyocide and X2 Yoga. So these I should be able to keep up with and show amazing improvement on throughout the next phase, especially X2 Yoga.

Well, it's back to the grind for me. I'll keep you posted on what's going on.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

First week of X2 down!

I made it through the first week of P90X2! The first week of any program really is a barometer of things that need to happen. Going into X2, I knew a few things I would have to work on just from looking at the Calendar. Of course I have no balance, so I knew that X2 Yoga and X2 Balance were going to be big issues. Plyocide which I was worried about, actually turned out to be not so bad. The biggest thing that I had to figure out though, was modifications of moves. Because of my back and my tailbone, there are a lot of exercises that I have to figure out different ways to get the same results. Some things require me to be in a sitting position which depending on the angle, my tailbone and low back just can't support. Some of those moves I can use a towel, though next week I'm going to see if a donut works better.

I'm also having to switch things up because of my low ceiling. I obviously don't want to jump and smack my head on my lights or ceiling fan. Over all though, I felt pretty good about the first week. I do have things to work on, and over the next 3 weeks, I should improve greatly. After 90 days I will probably end up doing a second round of P90X2. But I also have my eyes on another program that may help out a lot with my balance and joints!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Journey into X2!

While one door closes, another one opens. This of course to me is about working out though. It was the end of November 2011 when I jumped into Insanity the Asylum, that of course was right after Insanity. During the month of December I completed a full program. Granted Asylum is only 30 days long, but going non-stop for 30 days is a lot harder than most think. On top of that, I started having serious back pain around the last week and a half. But I survived it and with enough time to rest before taking on my next big program...

It's already January 3rd in 2012 and I am 2 days into P90X2. I made a promise to myself to start it at the beginning of the year and make it my program for 2012. Like all the programs I have done over this last year, it is difficult starting out. I can actually hang fairly well, but let me tell you, I am sore! I opted for P90X2 for a few reasons. I wanted to be among the first to do the program while others where doing the program, and I really wanted something to challenge me in a different way. I love Insanity and the Insanity programs, and I can't wait for more. But I fell my cardio is pretty decent at this time. What I really wanted to work on was one of my weakest areas, and that is strength. I knew if any program would help me in strength, it would be a P90X program. So here I am, 2 days in, and my body is screaming at me. Muscles sore and aching, I just want to smear icy hot all over my body at this point. But I feel great too. I am pushing myself in a whole different way. But we should see how I survive this week. Tomorrow will be my first recovery day, and on friday I will be doing yoga for the first time since I was in high school. Stay tuned for what the journey holds for me....