I made it through the first week of P90X2! The first week of any program really is a barometer of things that need to happen. Going into X2, I knew a few things I would have to work on just from looking at the Calendar. Of course I have no balance, so I knew that X2 Yoga and X2 Balance were going to be big issues. Plyocide which I was worried about, actually turned out to be not so bad. The biggest thing that I had to figure out though, was modifications of moves. Because of my back and my tailbone, there are a lot of exercises that I have to figure out different ways to get the same results. Some things require me to be in a sitting position which depending on the angle, my tailbone and low back just can't support. Some of those moves I can use a towel, though next week I'm going to see if a donut works better.
I'm also having to switch things up because of my low ceiling. I obviously don't want to jump and smack my head on my lights or ceiling fan. Over all though, I felt pretty good about the first week. I do have things to work on, and over the next 3 weeks, I should improve greatly. After 90 days I will probably end up doing a second round of P90X2. But I also have my eyes on another program that may help out a lot with my balance and joints!
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