Sunday, February 12, 2012

Week 2, Phase 2, P90X2!

The second week of Phase 2 of P90X2 has already come and gone and I have to say Phase 2 is really killing me. This phases main target is strength, which I have little of. I have never had much in terms of upper body strength at all. Sure I have body slammed 400 LBS men before in my wrestling career, but that is totally different. So far out of these new workouts X2 Shoulders and Arms is my favorite. I think it's because it focuses a lot on 2 of my weak points. One being my Upper Body strength, two being balance.

In phase 2, I still get my Plyocide and X2 Yoga, so that has been the only routine thing so far this round. Sadly, I have to admit, I've been skipping Yoga. Yes, I know, bad Corey. I am looking to pick it up, but on a friday where I am just mentally drained from work, Yoga is normally just pushed off. The worst part is I actually enjoy the Yoga part of this program. This week I will have to push past the mental fatigue and do it, Maybe the real secret is making Yoga happen on Wednesday when I should be resting or doing Recovery and Mobility, then use my friday for an actual rest day. Hmm, something to ponder.

I would have to say my biggest gripe about P90X2 is the lack of high intensity cardio. Yes my heart gets pumping, but I have gone though a year of a lot of high intensity cardio and I think my body needs it. The other downer for me is watching myself gain weight. I have never been a lifter of weights, and I again, mostly have done RevAbs and Insanity programs. So gaining weight from these strength exercises really puts my mind in a bad spot, especially since I know I still have a good 30 LBS to lose. Hopefully I will be able to get over this mental block of my weight, and really push ahead with this program. I am also thinking that after I finish P90X2 that it may finally be time to take some time off from working out every day, and focus on letting my body recover. We shall see.

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